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Item Description Quantity Price Total
3 inch x 30 foot - 27,000 lb. Recovery Strap
P/N E-59800

In stock and ready to ship!

$53.78 $53.78
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SUBTOTAL: $53.78
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Shipping Status Update

Due to the high demand on shipping providers and COVID-19 restrictions, our standard times for delivery have not been consistent. Our in-stock items are still shipping out of our warehouse same-day or next day. We know our shipping providers are doing their best with increased demand and extra safety measures due to COVID-19. Please note that delivery times may take longer than expected due to these changes. Also, most carriers have eliminated their delivery guarantees for all shipments, including expedited services.

For additional information about our shipping providers please see the links below.

UPS Service Alerts - USPS Service Alerts - Spee-Dee Service Updates

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